Marketing para Instagram

Instagram tem mais de um bilhão de clientes ativos mensais, muito menos concorrentes e também um mercado-alvo incrivelmente mais engajado do que outros titãs das redes sociais como o Facebook ou o Twitter.

Isso permite que às organizações tenham a oportunidade de comercializar seus produtos e serviços para um público-alvo muito mais direcionado e interessado, sem gastar uma fortuna em publicidade paga. E também, como a API do Instagram permite que os clientes divulguem fotos ou vídeos para um Perfil comercial do Instagram usando uma plataforma de terceiros , o que facilita muito agendar posts e organizar a produção de conteúdo.

Independentemente de você ser um expert ou você ser um novato no Instagram, você vai adorar essasdicas de Marketing para Instagram.

7 dicas para dominar o Instagram para negócios

1. Tenha uma BIO e perfil otimizados

2. Use uma Smartpage

3. Conecte-se e mostre os bastidores

4. Use as Hashtags para amplificar seu negócio

5. Produza conteúdo exclusivo para seus seguidores

6. Conecte-se e seja um Influencer

7. Use o Instagram e se destaque

Resumo: A melhor forma de crescer o seu Instagram é explorando os seus recursos. Não há uma formula mágica para ter sucesso e aumentar o seu alcance. Mas sem dúvidas, seguindo essas 7 dicas de marketing no instagram, você vai conseguir escalar sua força.

Facebook Fan Pages – The New Capture Page and List Building Tool

Using Facebook Fan Pages to Capture Contact Information
The use of capture or squeeze pages for viral list building and lead generation is familiar to most people who browse the web regularly, but the use of a Facebook fan page (or business page) to capture visitor information is just starting to “catch on.” The use of social media in general has taken off at a staggering rate and has ushered in social marketing with it. A Facebook fan page, when used correctly, is an essential component and offers some tremendous advantages over traditional capture pages for list-building and lead generation. With Facebook exploding to now well over 750,000,000 people, the viral power to expand your traffic many times over, greater conversion and the highest accuracy possible makes a Facebook capture page the superior alternative to traditional capture pages.

A Good Capture Page Offers Value
A good capture page offers some type of incentive in exchange for visitors typing their name and email into a form, essentially “opting in” and giving permission to receive emails or even to be contacted by phone. Obviously, the incentive needs to be something of value in order to draw in the right people, but it need not be something of high monetary value. In fact, in many cases the incentive is simply providing online information and/or training and is either delivered via email, like an “e-book,” for instance, or in many cases providing a link to a website with videos and links to other valuable resources. This type of lead-capture system requires a graphic-rich offer page with the ability to capture the information and then pass the visitor on into the destination page, where the sale, or “conversion” process continues. The process of converting a visitor to a paying customer often takes time – like a courtship where you develop trust over time and engage in an ongoing dialogue, all while providing ongoing value.

Why Build a List?
The most obvious answer as to why you would build a list is to sell someone something, but the smart marketers are not necessarily looking for just the immediate, one-time sale. They are looking to develop a large following to which they can provide products and services over an ongoing period of time, so it is important that they nurture and cultivate the list by continuously providing value – a “win-win” situation for both parties.

Driving Traffic
How to drive traffic to a capture page is a huge topic and there are many techniques to do so including SEO (search engine optimization), email campaigns, and now through the very powerful new world of social media and social marketing. Businesses are aggressively driving traffic utilizing many of these different methods and we’ll take a look at how they can get the most out of their efforts and out of their advertising dollars.

What’s a Facebook Fan Page?
Facebook fan pages, often referred to as business pages, are pages where businesses are able to promote themselves on Facebook. Conversely, Facebook’s personal profiles are intended to be used for non-commercial, social networking only. Where individuals on Facebook collect “friends”, fan pages collect “likes” as they establish a following.

Why do Businesses Need to be on Facebook?
Simply put – because that is where the people are! With over 750,000,000 million users and most of them logging in multiple times per day, Facebook already has more traffic than Google. Already, 83% of businesses are using Facebook in some way because they know they need to have a presence on Facebook. As the saying goes, “put your bait where the fish are” – and they are on Facebook!

The Importance of a Capture Page on Facebook
So if the people are on Facebook, then why not just concentrate your traffic-building efforts on getting the attention of Facebook users and then driving them to your existing capture page websites? Why have a capture page inside Facebook? Well, being active on Facebook is, for most users, an enjoyable activity where they are able to interact with friends, check out what’s going on in their social circles, join in discussions, browse through photo galleries, search for lost friends, etc., and often the last thing they want to do is click on something that takes them outside of Facebook. When something of interest floats by them (social marketing), they are less likely to check it out if it points to a site that is external to Facebook (Comprar rating de 5 estrellas facebook). As soon as they click on something which starts redirecting them to an external website, they will simply close it before it even finishes loading. Conversely, they are much more likely to check it out if it keeps them within Facebook.

The statistics for Facebook advertising bear this out, as conversions are much higher if the landing page for an ad is within Facebook. It also fits the sales process well, allowing marketers to develop buying interest in stages, eventually getting them to the point where they are willing to go to the transactional site. Facebook also offers discounted advertising rates of up to 30% for channeling ad traffic directly to a page within Facebook, as opposed to moving them to an outside site.

Facebook is an Open and Viral Network
Facebook is an open network and is built on the basis that everyone within your social circle (your friends) sees everything that everyone else is doing. The newsfeed (when you click Home) is simply a collection of the content that is being posted on the walls (personal profile pages) of all your friends. Understanding this simple concept highlights the powerful viral benefit of marketing on Facebook, or even driving traffic from outside of Facebook to a viral capture mechanism on a fan page within Facebook.

Just as with a traditional capture page, a fan page capture page needs to provide a way to present a graphic-rich and engaging offer or incentive to get the visitor to opt in and then automatically send a confirmation email. Unlike a traditional capture page, it should leverage Facebook’s open network environment and automatically send a customized wall post to that visitor as well, thus exposing all of their friends to your business or service. This essentially automates the word-of-mouth process, not requiring the visitor to take an active role. The credibility of that individual translates directly to your product and service, providing an instant recommendation and increases the likelihood that their friends who have an interest in your product or service will go to you first. In fact, by clicking on the linked wall post, they will go to your fan page capture and the whole process starts over again.

So, if you are already driving traffic to a capture page, using a Facebook fan page capture can literally multiply your traffic many times over. Even if only one friend clicks the wall post to check it out, you’ve doubled your traffic. With many Facebook users these days having 300, 400 or even 500 friends or more, the additional exposure can be tremendous!

Greater Conversion and Better Accuracy
Since Facebook is a membership network (i.e. free), users must log in and identify themselves to Facebook in order to access the network. This allows a Facebook fan page capture to streamline the capture process. Instead of requiring the visitor to fill out a form, providing at the minimum their name and email address, they can simply, with two clicks, give Facebook permission to provide their information directly from Facebook’s database to the capture tool. Since they are not directly providing this information it lessens their reticence as well as eliminates the additional keystrokes, so visitors are much more likely to follow through. Statistics support this showing a 3- to 4-time greater conversation rate over traditional capture pages.

This process also ensures the accuracy of the information captured, as it is captured directly from Facebook’s database. This eliminates the common occurrence of visitors putting in false information (i.e. Mickey Mouse and Santa Claus will no longer be visiting your site) to get past the capture page. In fact, people typically use their primary email, which is less likely to go away, when they sign-up for Facebook, and they are much less likely to provide a fake name as this would obviously hinder the social networking process of finding old friends, colleagues, etc. Using a Facebook fan page capture automatically upgrades the quality of the information captured.

So to wrap it all up: A market with over 750,000,000 people, viral power to expand your traffic many times over, greater conversion and the highest accuracy possible truly make a Facebook fan page capture the superior alternative to traditional capture pages!

Afiliado Viking Funciona

O Curso Afiliado Viking é um treinamento feito 100% online, que te mostra como se tornar um afiliado de sucesso seguindo um passo a passo e algumas dicas bem simples.

Ao longo de toda a programação você vai vendo as melhores estratégias para conseguir fazer um grande número de vendas diárias por meio de campanhas de anúncios de tráfego pago.

As principais que ele cita são o Facebook Ads e o Google Ads, que possuem grande potencial de trazer bons resultados até mesmo para quem está iniciando.

Sendo assim resumidamente esse é um curso para fazer com que as pessoas se tornem muito mais do que simples afiliados, mas sim verdadeiros especialistas em tráfego pago.

Dessa forma por meio de campanhas de anúncios você pode alcançar a liberdade financeira que você sempre sonhou trabalhando onde e quando desejar. E o melhor de tudo, pelo menos para quem prefere não se expor, é que você não precisa aparecer em vídeos ou usar o seu perfil particular.

O curso Afiliado Viking é tido como sendo o curso que tem o programa mais completo; voltado especificamente para as vendas como afiliados e conversão dos clientes.

Os conhecimentos oferecidos por meio dele, quando aplicados da maneira correta podem auxiliar até mesmo as pessoas com menos conhecimentos em marketing digital a se tornar um excelente vendedor por meio do Hotmart.

Será que o curso Afiliado Viking Funciona? Será que Afiliado Viking é bom?

Sim funciona e é bom, pois é um ótimo curso para quem quer avançar na sua carreira como afiliado e adquirir independência financeira.
Portanto, dedique-se a ele, coloque os conhecimentos em prática e ganhe muito dinheiro fazendo trabalhando quando e onde você quiser.

Líder Eficaz | 10 Dicas Infalíveis Para Se Tornar Um

Como você descreveria um líder eficaz? Em um estudo de liderança, qualidades tais como assertividade, adaptabilidade, inteligência e consciência foram citados como os mais importantes.

“A pesquisa mostra claramente que os líderes transformacionais – Aquele líder eficaz, líderes que são positivos, inspiradores, e que capacitam e desenvolvem seguidores – são melhores líderes”, explica o psicólogo e especialista em liderança Ronald E. Riggio. “Eles são mais valorizados pelos seguidores e têm equipes com melhor desempenho.”

Então, o que você pode fazer para abraçar estas características e ter uma liderança eficaz? Os líderes transformacionais são geralmente descritos como entusiasmados, apaixonados, verdadeiros e cheio de energia. Esses líderes não são apenas preocupados em ajudar o grupo a alcançar seus objetivos, eles também se preocupam com a ajudar cada membro do grupo em atingir seu pleno potencial.

Veja então as 10 dicas de como se tornar um bom líder eficaz e pensar em maneiras que você pode implementar essas estratégias em sua vida diária.

Gostou deste artigo de ” Como se tornar um líder eficaz? Deixe seu comentário. Ele é muito importante pra eu saber se realmente este artigo foi útil pra você. Se o seu comentário for positivo eu vou poder criar novos artigos relacionados com este assunto. Compartilhe também nas redes sociais este artigo sobre um líder eficaz. Conhecimento compartilhado vale duas vezes mais.

Dark Web Versus Deep Web: What’s The Difference?

In November 2015, the UK government declared that GCHQ and the National Crime Agency (NCA) would unite to handle genuine violations and youngster erotic entertainment on the dark web. At that point, the executive of GCHQ Robert Hannigan said that the new Joint Operations Cell (JOC) will be “perpetrated to guaranteeing no piece of the web, including the dark web, can be utilized without risk of punishment by hoodlums to lead their illicit demonstrations”.

So what is the dark web? How can it contrast from the profound web? What is it utilized for, and how individuals get to it? Here are the basics on the dark side of the web.

What’s the distinction between the dark web and the profound web?

The profound web and the dark web are now and then utilized conversely, yet they are in certainty extraordinary – yet covering – things. Set forth plainly, the profound web identifies with the bits of the web that, out of the blue, aren’t slithered by customary web crawlers, for example, Google. That incorporates mystery web servers as well as everything from private distributed storage to work intranets and web-based banking.

The profound web is, accordingly, enormous. Michael Bergman’s mid-2001 investigation, “The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value”, assessed that it contained 7,500 terabytes of data, contrasted with 19 terabytes of data on a superficial level web. The vast majority of this is completely legitimate and a basic piece of how the web functions.

The dark web is a specific subsection of the profound web. It identifies with an assortment of websites that deliberately conceal the IP address of their servers, regularly by utilizing Tor encryption instruments or comparable administrations, for example, the Invisible Internet Project (I2P). It is an intentionally shrouded segment of the web – and like purposely concealed rooms in physical structures, it tends to be utilized for both great and insidiousness. It tends to be utilized by political nonconformists or columnists to impart outside of state reconnaissance, yet it can likewise be utilized by wrongdoing coops to trade weapons or kid sex entertainment.

You can become familiar with the dark web here.

What is Tor?

Pinnacle (The Onion Router) is the passage to the dark web. There are elective systems, for example, the I2P and Freenet, yet Tor is the most generally utilized. On the off chance that you see a .onion expansion on a dark web connect, you’ll need Tor to open it. On the Tor website, there is all that you have to begin, including a download of the program.

I hope you can understand a bit about the dark web and it’s important to learn all about the dark web before you enter the dark web. Because dark web is one of the most dangerous place in the history on the Internet. So don’t be afraid and you can enter to the dark web sites and get dark web links from our website.

Pinnacle coordinates traffic through a conveyed organize enveloping a great many transfers and its allure originates from the namelessness this procedure bears its clients. Onion steering, the primary standard behind Tor, was at first evolved by the US Navy so as to secure US knowledge on the web. It is currently, much like the dark web it empowers, utilized for both licit and unlawful purposes.

One key highlight considers when utilizing Tor is that you’ll have to know where you need to go. Not being crept via web search tools implies you can’t just go to Google and quest for locales on Tor. Rather, you’ll have to have an immediate connection to a website. There are subreddits on Reddit posting a portion of these, including DarknetMarketsNoobs, however, for different locales, you’ll have to discover Wikis that rundown joins. A large number of these are exceptionally illicit, also improper, so we’re not going to put them up here.

Additionally, this article is a manual for the rudiments of understanding what the dark web is, not an underwriting of it. In case you’re stressed over security and web-based following, there are simpler approaches to find a way to ensure your information. From mysterious web indexes, for example, DuckDuckGo and Oscobo to modules, for example, Ghostery, there are straightforward approaches to square trackers utilized by advertisement systems.

In the event that you need to dunk into the universe of the dark web without plunging into its profundities, this NSFW string on Reddit incorporates a few stories that will make you chuckle and numerous that will make you despair for humankind.

Visit Our Website:

Empresa de aluguel de telões de led

Com 12 anos de mercado, a P1 Led, empresa do Grupo DH Experience, é uma das pioneiras do Brasil em comercialização e instalação de Painéis de Led para lojas e estabelecimentos comerciais.

Através de equipamentos importados dos melhores fabricantes, comercializamos apenas modelos de última geração, em diversos formatos e tamanhos, para as mais diversas finalidades.

Oferecemos, como diferencial de mercado, exclusivos 6 anos de garantia em nossos equipamentos.

Painéis em Alta resolução

Trabalhamos com o que há de mais moderno no mercado. De P1 a P10.

Telão de led Ultra Slim

Perfeitos para uso indoor, os painéis ultra-slim ocupam menos espaço

Painel Externo à Prova D’água

Ideal para uso outdoor, nossos equipamentos são à prova d’ água

Gerenciamento Wireless

Gerencie seu conteúdo a distância, perfeito para redes de lojas e shoppings.

Oferecemos telão de led para igrejas e também locação de telão de led

Oferecemos uma solução completa que contém desde o projeto 3D até a equipe de montagem e instalação do painel e mais, temos um time de agência mais que preparado para elaborar junto à sua empresa o conteúdo que será exibido no seu telão.

Conheça a Empresa de aluguel de telões de led

Acesse o site.

Consultoria Empresarial

Sou apaixonado por gestão empresarial e em treinar pessoas. Minha especialidade é transformar empresas em negócios lucrativos, pois acredito que todas as pessoas são capazes de construírem empresas rentáveis. Meu maior objetivo é ajudar empresários e líderes a aumentar o lucro com suas empresas e se tornarem gestores de alta performance.

Treinamento de Gestão Empresarial voltado a desenvolver e capacitar o seu time tático (Coordenadores, Supervisores, Gerentes, Gestores) com os conceitos mais modernos de gestão empresarial do mundo e levá-los a um nível extremamente elevado no que se trata de liderança, gestão e resultados através de uma “Experiência Empresarial.

Meus treinamentos são realizados nas formas presencial, in company ou online. Com imersão de três dias (nos casos dos treinamentos presenciais), por meio de técnicas, conceitos, ferramentas práticas, dinâmicas e jogos com competição empresarial. Todos os treinamentos são práticos com metodologia desenvolvida para garantir aprendizado rápido e fixação dos conteúdos.

Saiba mais sobre nossa consultoria empresarial e treinamentos incompany.

Quando o assunto é música para casamento

Quando o assunto é música para casamento, não podemos esquecer que as noivas sonham com este momento há tempos… Remetendo aquela música que trouxeram lembranças boas do passado e do início do relacionamento com seu noivo, e dentre essas provável que saia a música para casar, e tem o objetivo de despertar as emoções para esse dia que é tão especial na vida dos noivos e dos seus convidados.

De uma forma geral, quando falamos em música para casamento, os noivos ficam bastante ansiosos em saber quantas músicas serão tocadas ao todo.

E toda essa ansiedade, geralmente, vem da vontade dos noivos em apreciarem uma boa música, e porque não incluir as ideias no repertório, sendo uma música para casar, até mesmo nas ideias de musicas para entrada da noiva.

De fato, alguns noivos não têm ideia de quantas músicas podem ou devem ser tocadas para tornar esse momento inesquecível para todos. Mas um dos principais momentos de uma cerimônia sem dúvida é a entrada da noiva, portanto quando o assunto é músicas para entrada da noiva, certamente merece uma atenção toda especial.

Home Repair – Air Conditioning Repair At Home

Summers can become really hot sometimes and the upcoming summer is going to be hotter than the previous one. Have you prepared yourself for the upcoming summer season?

Preparing is not in the sense of purchasing surf boards or a new pair of shorts. Before the summer arrives, it is best that you check all the cooling appliances in your home to make sure that they are working properly. This way, when the summer arrives, you can comfortably enjoy your time in your home.

Air conditioning is an important part if you want to spend your summers in peace. Therefore, before summers arrive, AC repair is essential. Therefore, you should perform an air conditioning repair to see if your AC is working properly or not.

The main problems that occur with an AC, that it is either hot or leaking water. Following are some home repair tips for repairing your AC at home.

Repair Options If Its Hot?

Generally, the air conditioning repair experts cost a lot and that is why it is a cheap option to repair your AC yourself. However, in order to do so, you must have some good pair of hands to do so. Otherwise, you will just end up screwing up your air conditioning system.

If your AC is too hot, there is a simple solution for it. Turn off your AC from its circuit. If you have an outdoor unit installed then go outside and see if there is anything in the surroundings of the unit. Things like dirt colds, rocks, and leaves often surround the condenser of an a/c unit. Make sure that you get rid of all these items from the surrounding areas.

Often dirt and leaves pile up or get stuck in the vents. Gently clean it all up and if possible, you can use a brush or hose to clean it as well. However, make sure to use gentle hands. Make sure to get as much inside as possible when cleaning the condenser because you will find a lot of dirt and leaves in there as well. Get rid of all the trash you find in there and turn your air conditioning unit on again.

It will take some time to warm up, so be patient. It is essential that you perform basic cleaning of your air conditioning unit from time to time. In order to attain optimal cooling from your ac unit, you can perform this maintenance every week as well.

For more information please visit –  air conditioning repair st cloud fl

The Definition of Algebra and How It Evolved

Mathematics is a very big subject and is divided into so many branches like geometry, algebra, coordinate geometry, calculus and so on. Mathematics enters in all fields of science and it is essential for the development of science and technology. It is the basis for proving any new scientific theory or making any new discovery.

In this article I will speak about algebra. I will consider its definition and history. It is interesting to many people to know how algebra started and evolved. The reason why I chose algebra is because it is an essential element in all fields of mathematics. All these fields require the use and manipulations of equations. As a matter of fact algebra historically started as several subjects scattered in different fields till it became a branch and by the end of the sixteenth century it reached its final stages of evolution.

Algebra can be essentially considered as doing arithmetic operations with non numeric mathematical entities or objects. This is a very powerful structure because it allows us to proof properties that are true no matter what are the numbers involved. The non numeric entities can be unknown and we are required to find them or they can be unspecified. That is to say we have an equation and we can plug in different values to get different results. This is why algebra is used to express the relationship between entities. When we deal with algebra we mainly deal with expressions and equations. Equations describe the equity relationship between entities and an expression describes a phrase that contains variables, numbers and arithmetic operators. As algebra developed the non numeric entities were extended to accommodate more complex structure like vectors, matrices, and polynomials. It is now accommodating more complex and abstract new structures. This is what makes algebra useful in modeling mathematical and scientific problems that can not be modeled in any other way.

Algebra took a very long evolution period before it became like the way we know it today. Its roots extend to the ancient Egyptian era and even before that. Algebra started at the time of the ancient Babylonians. They created advanced algorithms to solve certain problems. These algorithms are used today to solve quadratic equations and linear equations. The Egyptians of the same era used to model algebraic problems in terms of geometry and solve them geometrically. So they considered algebra as an application of geometry. The ancient Greek mathematicians and ancient Chinese mathematicians followed the same example as the Egyptians. The Egyptians developed geometric methods to solve particular algebraic problems. The Greeks even developed the Egyptian algorithms further to solve more general problems.

All this influenced Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi the Arab Islamic scientist who created afterwards much of the algebraic method that we know today. The word algebra is actually an Arabic word and was created after he established algebra as an independent mathematical discipline other than geometry and arithmetic. He established algebra in his book the Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balance.

The classical algebraic discipline did not start before the end of the sixteenth century. In the year 1637 the modern algebraic notion was introduced. Then the solution of quadratic and cubic equations was introduced. Then matrices and determinants were used to solve systems of simultaneous equations. Many other new algebraic concepts were introduced later.

Today we are fortunate that we have many innovative mathematical calculators and tools that incorporate all these algebraic ideas into a program that allow us to model real life problems just by pressing buttons and in seconds. We can use the outcome of all these algebraic findings from ancient Egyptians till today by the use of these calculators.

Visit to read about : Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 7th Edition